Learn from Experienced InSiders & InSighters
in the field of Sacred Sound Geometry

All Sacred Sound Geometry courses contain substantiated insights that will
open your Heart, Intuition, Inner-Vision, -Hearing, -Feeling & -Connection
to the New 5D Reality that Humanity is Being Born in.

Deepening = Heightening

All courses are in the form of
Deepening Video lessons

Actionable Training

All Courses contain
DIY exercises

Frequency Add-ons

All video's are accompanied
by Source Frequency Music ©

View Our Courses & Podcasts

The First courses in English & Dutch
will be available from
Easter 2020!!!

Be a Precursor & a Beacon of Light during
the Great Awakening of YOUmanity

Know our shared Human Origin, our Multidimensional Self.
Tune in to New Frequencies, Enjoy Resonating & Living by them.

Marret Vonhoff — Founder & CEO.

Knowlegde of the Universal Sacred Sound Geometry Blueprint of Life makes you a Beacon of Light during the Great Awakening in Consciousness of Humanity.

UniPhibe Academy offers its Knowledge from a 22 years journey into the Sacred Sound Geometry Origins within the 15.000 year old Source Frequency Inscription carved in a rock in Southern India and preserved for us during this time of Transformation.

Learn from InSide Dis-Coverers of the Multidimensional Realms that are here on Earth and only one step away to be found here.  

SSG Partners

Days to meet, exchange and be fertilized in Reallife or to connect around the world via Zoom will start after:
July 4, 2020 (7-4-4) Independence Day on:
July 6, 2020 (7-6-4) BirthDay of The World
More info coming soon.

Join us and all around the world
that are awake, today!